The Unique Growing Seasons of Columbus, Ohio
Did you know that they are three unique garden planting seasons here in Columbus, Ohio?
When I first started growing food in my kitchen garden I assumed you started planting in May once the threat of frost had passed and that by September you were done. And I hear this from so many clients as well.
However, you can actually start planting in your kitchen garden as early as April 1st and can continue to harvest through to November or later, depending on the weather. Pretty cool, huh?
Here are the three planting seasons of Columbus
Cool Season One
Begins in April with frost tolerant, cool weather crops like broccoli, kale, spinach, arugula, peas, carrots, potatoes, beets, and more. These crops actually prefer cooler temps and will thrive in early spring.
Warm Season
Starts in May with warm season crops like tomatoes, peppers, squash, cucumbers, beans, eggplant, melons, etc. These plants love the warmer weather and are more drought tolerant than cool season crops.
Cool Season Two
September, October, and November sees a resurgence of those cool weather crops in the garden. Most frost tolerant vegetables can withstand temperatures down to 24 degrees Fahrenheit. Meaning you could be harvesting into November or later depending on the weather.
These unique planting seasons give us at least eight full months in the vegetable garden here in Columbus, Ohio. This means there is never a bad time to start your garden.
There are even ways to extend the growing season further, meaning you can be gardening almost year round!
You can download the Seed and Vine Columbus Monthly Planting Calendar here to help you get growing.