Twin Garden Upgrade in Upper Arlington

It all started with a consult…

I met with our wonderful client at her Upper Arlington home in January of 2021. She had an existing tiered kitchen garden. Some of it had done well, well other things had suffered.

She explained to me that she loved gardening, but felt like her space was unorganized and hard to maintain because of the tiers.

Before photo of the client’s existing garden

Before photo of the client’s existing garden

We redesigned the area for her and her garden was one of the first of the season to be installed.

We created a twin garden, with 2 cedar raised beds, two custom, steel panel trellises, and gravel pathways surrounding the beds. This created a defined garden space.

Once installed we planted it in early April for our first cool season planting.

After photo of the new garden in full bloom

After photo of the new garden in full bloom

We also set her up with monthly maintenance sessions so that we could take care of the big maintenance tasks while she enjoyed light tending and harvesting between sessions.

This kitchen garden flourished this season and it was such a joy to watch our client and her family grow together in this space.

During a recent maintenance session this client told us that this kitchen garden has helped her to return to her love of gardening. She said her and her young kids have so loved spending time together in the garden planting and harvesting.

We love hearing this from clients. Our mission is not only to create and install beautiful kitchen gardens, but also to set our clients up for success so that they can grow with confidence and enjoy the process.


What to Plant in October in Columbus, Ohio


What to Plant In September in Columbus, Ohio