How to Extend the Growing Season
Most frost tolerant crops can withstand temperatures as low as 26 degrees Fahrenheit. Meaning you can continue to enjoy them well into Fall. Here in Columbus, Ohio you can expect to keep harvesting from your garden thru October, November, and potentially beyond depending on that fickle Ohio weather.
Why Fall is the Best Time to Start a Garden
While you are dreaming about future PSL’s and apple picking you might not be thinking about planning your garden. But fall is actually the BEST time of year to plan and install your kitchen garden.
What to Plant for Fall in Columbus, Ohio
There’s a common misconception that you can only plant in the garden in mid May and that the growing season is over by the end of September. However, you can actually begin planting in early April and you can continue to plant every single month until October. Depending on what you plant you can even continue to harvest into December or later.
What to Plant in June in Columbus
It’s a common misconception to believe that all of your garden planting needs to be done in mid May, after the threat of frost. However, the gardening season in Columbus, Ohio actually goes from early April all the way through to November.
The 5 Easiest Vegetables to Grow
These days we are all so busy. I hear from so many people that they feel they cannot have a garden because they just don’t have the time. But like I always say, everyone can and should have an edible garden and I truly believe that.
5 Quick Growing Vegetables to Plant in Spring
If you are feeling the itch to grow food at home here are five quick growing veggies to plant in early spring in Columbus, Ohio.
Once the soil is workable in spring, meaning not clumpy and water logged, it is time to start planting in your kitchen garden.
How to Have Easy Wins in Your Kitchen Garden
Vegetable Gardening can feel overwhelming. Especially when you are first starting out. There is so much information out there and googling can send you down a never ending research rabbit hole.
3 Surprising Benefits of Gardening
I think we can all agree that eating fruits and veggies is good for your health. Ergo, growing your own fruits and veggies is good for you. But the benefits of vegetable gardening go so much deeper than that.
5 Gardening Myths that are Holding You Back
Beliefs can be limiting. For example, if you tell yourself over and over again that you don’t have a green thumb you may never be able to successfully grow. However, I’m here to tell you that everyone can garden.
4 Garden Planning Tips for Kitchen Garden Success
It’s winter. It’s cold and dreary here in Columbus, Ohio. And its the perfect time to get a jump start on the growing season.
Winter is the best time to plan your season and prepare for a thriving kitchen garden. A well planned and well designed garden is more successful, less stressful, and less time consuming overall.
Here are 4 planning tips for a successful kitchen garden
What is Succession Planting?
If you have been gardening for any period of time, you have probably heard the term, “succession planting”, and you may have wondered what it is and how to do it.
Succession planting is a gardening technique that staggers plantings for more steady and continuous harvests throughout the growing season.
There are a couple of different ways to achieve this